If you're here, you're being called to...

Lead in Alignment

Claim the life your Soul has intended

The #1 course for making spiritual principles real in your everyday life, 

embracing your Soul's greatest desires, manifesting your missions,

and letting it all be fun and easy!

The Lead in Alignment Program

Lead in Alignment is a 6 month up-leveling experience for women entrepreneurs, leaders, healers and creatives who are committed to having a greater positive impact in the world while building a Soul-centered life 

and a business that is fun, easy and lucrative!


Your Soul knows why you’re here and what’s needed for you to up-level at this time. It all starts with your energy – and your energy can only rise when you are aligned with

your Soul’s truth, wisdom and desires.


Then you can access your intuition and manifest resources to help you along your path. 


Things that used to be a struggle, become easy. Effortless!


What you need will just show up.


Because you’ve reached a high-vibe state of allowing


This is the process of ascension.


And we need you to ascend, because…



You’ve got a big-ass mission on this planet


Maybe even a few of them. And we need you to lead the way.


But before you uplift the world (even more than you already do), you need to keep up-leveling yourself.


And I'm gonna tell you right now...

this shit ain't for sissies.

Up-leveling is hard. 


But you don't have to go it alone.


I'm Jennifer Ally,

your ally in Alignment,

and I'm right here with you.

As a high-achieving woman, you're used to having it all "handled". But as you awaken to your Soul's power, everything changes. You might be finding that...

  1. You feel overwhelmed and inundated with life's demands on you and it detracts from your joy

  2. Everything feels hard and you're not sure how to "allow" what you want and need to just come to you
  3. You're struggling your way through and don't know how to make your path of positive impact feel effortless
  4. Stress and frustration have invaded the spaces where fun used to reside
  5. You feel lost and confused and have no clue how to really step into living your Soul's truth and power
  6. You're inconsistent with doing the things you know help you connect with your intuition, inner wisdom and sense of balance
  7. You're stuck in old patterns and constantly depleted from trying to "figure things out" while still playing by the old rules of "success"

 I totally feel you...


All the spiritual seeking and personal empowerment work you’ve done isn’t getting you further along your path--you’re clueless about how to apply it all and still feeling stuck


The universal laws you've been studying are working for other people--why aren't they working for you?


"Just allow" they say, but how do you do that when you have so much to have to get done?


You know you're "powerful", but still can't seem to embody your power fully in all areas of your life


Doing your meditation and gratitudes is feeling mundane and not really giving you the spark you need--so you’re inconsistent in your practice


The world is getting more chaotic and the uncertainty of these times is gnawing at your belief that 'the Universe has got your back'


There's a persistent, quiet voice that doesn't shut up--it's calling you to step out and play bigger, but instead of listening to it, you start making out with Ben & Jerry (on a bed of buttered popcorn, no less) and you tell yourself you’ll listen tomorrow

Well, Dahhling... all this is about to change...


Lead in Alignment will help you to align with your Soul, rock your High-Vibe, and manifest the shit outta your life, business, and missions.


You can learn how to practically apply and get results from what you’ve probably already been studying: the Law of Attraction, vibrational alignment and other "woo-woo" principles. 


You’ll get the scientific scoop behind how these principles work. Plus you’ll receive clear, visual, user-friendly instruction to turn these lofty concepts into immediately actionable practices - so you can carve out the pathway of your Soul’s Highest potential.


You’re ready. I can feel it. That crackle in the air– that’s the energy you’re already creating as you prepare to fiercely lead all areas of your life in alignment with your Soul’s desires, path and purpose

When you implement what you learn in Lead in Alignment, you will:

  • Access your own answers, insights and wisdom for how to manifest everything your Soul desires
  • Learn to create your life based on the “rules of vibration”
  • Understand the mechanics of manifestation and how energy works so you can apply it to every area of your life
  • Attract more business opportunities, collaborators and clients who you love working with
  • Take effortless action to get remarkable results
  • Improve your relationships: professional and personal
  • Raise your vibe to align with your Soul’s frequency
  • Build a Daily Alignment Practice and be consistent in doing it
  • Activate the next level of your potential and realize just how BIG that potential is
  • Experience joy and feeling good as your foundational way of operating in the world 
  • Truly embrace, embody and live as your Authentic Self

Hear it straight from Lead in Alignment grad, Dr. Mel

Imagine If...

  • You had clarity and insight from your own Soul's wisdom supporting you throughout your awakening journey (and the rest of your life)

  • You had a mental roadmap for scientifically understanding "woo-woo" practices and lofty spiritual concepts

  • You knew how to implement all the spiritual concepts you've already been studying, so you can make them come alive in all areas of your life

  • You learned how to effortlessly allow everything you desire to manifest itself, without having to stress or struggle for it​

  • You could intellectually "get" how energy works and what exactly that means for you in your human life

  • You felt 100% confident that for anything you desire in your life you have the power, ability and skills to manifest it, and that you could repeat the process at will any time you need it

  • You could cultivate a relationship with your Self where you feel safe, solid, whole, and like--at the end of the day--you always have your own beautiful Soul to come home to

"Jennifer’s program is very unique. I have done many mindset workshops, and at first I didn’t know how this would be different. Boy has she blown my socks off!! Lead in Alignment was exactly what I needed to help me implement all the Universal Laws and mindset things I have learned. I learned how to have a mindset practice that keeps me aligned with my purpose all day.

When I met Jennifer I had an immense amount of anxiety. I was often paralyzed with a fear of losing my business, people leaving me, going bankrupt and just failing at everything. It was affecting all of my relationships and I was feeling miserable.

Since I started working with Jennifer that has changed so much! I discovered the underlying causes of why I was feeling like this and I gained strategies to make my thoughts more positive. I feel 100-times happier and my business is growing a ton! I will be forever grateful."


- Dr. Melinda Morgan, DC

Entrepreneur, Back 2 Balance Natural healing Center


What comes with the whole package?

Lead in Alignment is a super-robust course. Actually, it's not just a course.

It's a lifestyle makeover... for your Soul

  • 12 Modules of Mind-expanding Learning

    • 2+ Video Lessons
    • 1 Key Concept
    • 1 Daily Alignment Practice 
    • Worksheets to Dig Deeper
    • Make-It-Real Homework
  • An Ensemble of Powerful Women who are Soul Family for You

    Build your network of connection to other women who are aligned with you, also elevating themselves. There's nothing like Soul Sisters to help you along your journey! 

  • 12 Monthly Live Group Sessions for Deepening Your Discoveries

    Every month we meet twice for 90-minutes on Zoom, to make your learning come alive with relevant topics, interactive conversation and meaningful connection. You'll  get to learn from other women's experiences, share your challenges and your 'wins', ask questions, and come home to a safe, high-vibe space in the midst of your busy human life.

  • Copy of The Drama-Free Way Book

    Internal drama is the #1 thing that interferes with your Alignment! Learn how to not let drama derail you when you read Jennifer's national award-winning book The Drama-Free Way: Authentic Thriving in a Chaotic World.


      For a limited time only, you'll also receive...

      • Special Support for Building a Strong Daily Alignment Practice

        Get priority membership to a highly-unique private Facebook group, where Jennifer custom-crafts your Alignment Practice of the Day everyday. These done-for-you, easily accessible practices will raise your vibe and keep you tuned into your Soul's highest path. And the beauty is, you don't have to figure anything out! Just show up and do what's presented to you. Each practice is designed based on the natural 13:20 frequency of "galactic time", which harmonizes with the Divine Feminine and synchronizes you with the Universal energy of the day, keeping you in the flow and the joy of being alive! 

      • Exclusive Access to Private Akashic Records Sessions

        As a Lead in Alignment member, receive a special rate for 1:1 Akashic Record consulting and healing sessions with Jennifer to gain clarity and insight. The Akashic Records are a vast spiritual library, scientifically referred to as the Quantum Field or the Unified Field. Every Soul has an Akashic Record, including yours! Learn more about your Soul's journey, purpose, relationships and potentials with a private session. This is a FABulous support to your process of alignment and awakening.

      Lead in Alignment Curriculum

      12 mind-expanding Modules to rock your most Aligned life...

      1. Your Soul and Its Pathway

      The trick to living your awesomest, most impactful life is to align with your Soul's 

      If you have a deeper desire and can imagine its future potential, then you can manifest it.​ It's already part of your Soul's agenda.

      2. Alignment and MindFlow

      You are multidimensional and your energy is operating on different levels all at the same time. Learn the different levels and forms of energy that make up the totality of You—from your Soul-self to your Human-self.

      3. Alignment and the Law of Attraction

      Emotion is how you  interpret energy and align with your Soul. When you're in Alignment, you can attract and manifest with ease. When you're out of Alignment, the energy is blocked, so you struggle. Learn this distinction.

      4. Contrast and the

      Law of Polarity

      Discover the roles of "contrast" and "suffering," and how these aspects both serve your Soul's agenda. Understand how this relates to the Law of Polarity and get the ‘click’ you need to powerfully create from contrast!

      5. Lesser-known Laws for Manifestation​

      The Laws of Gender and Gestation take you from contrast to manifestation. Discover how these critical laws work with your MindFlow, so you can effortlessly attract what you need—resources, innovations, people, right timing, physical objects, and events—to bring your ideas into reality.

      6. Comfort Zones and Feeling Stuck

      Feeling stuck in anything in life boils down to your ‘programming’ and ‘comfort zones,’ along with Human-level Fear. Learn how Alignment automatically helps you unravel the old ways, make transformational changes and take quantum leaps to achieve new, higher goals.

      7. Law of Rhythm & the “Terror Barrier”

      The Terror Barrier is the outer edge of your “comfort zone”, where doubt, fear and anxiety make you slam on the brakes of manifesting your desires. From the perspective of the Soul, fear is the signal that it’s time to launch! Understand the Law of Rhythm and see how fear serves your evolution.

      8. Live Your Soul’s Highest Path​

      Harness the different levels of your Mind in order to transcend your paradigms and live the greatest reality your Soul has intended for you. Open yourself to attracting a positive, powerful community to support your process and ultimate success as you awaken and up-level.

      9. Quantum Leaps and Timelines

      Understand the Vibrational Time Paradox that impacts your manifestations, and how to direct your MindFlow to shape where you are going. Learn how your Decision-Power is the access point to making a quantum leap onto an alternate timeline or life pathway. You are living the ultimate ‘choose your own adventure’ novel!

      10. Neuroscience of Alignment

      Your brain is literally built to embody your Soul in this human experience! Understand how your brain works when you’re in Alignment vs. out of Alignment. Discover the balancing-act between your brain’s hemispheres, how stress and stimulation impact your align-ability, and where to find your “sweet spot” of optimized thriving. 

      11. The Anatomy of Intuition

      Vibration always precedes manifestation. Learn how to focus your brain power to “sculpt consciousness”—the raw, undifferentiated energy of the Universe—into the manifestations you desire. Discover how your human system is designed to be in direct communication with your Soul through the vehicle of Intuition.

      12. Living Your Soul’s Agenda

      Connect with your Soul’s Goals!...the big-ass missions you’re here to manifest! Learn the difference between your purpose and missions. Understand Soul Agreements and how every person you want to cross paths with already exists in the Soul realm… and your Alignment will help you attract them into your life experience.

      "Jennifer is able to teach on a different level than anyone I have ever met. She helped me look at life based on what my Soul wants, rather than just what my brain says. I never understood how my Soul is connected to me and my human life; no one ever explained the way Jennifer did.

      Thanks to Lead in Alignment, everything flows so much easier, because I am in alignment with my Soul and its mission. My relationships are better. I focus on myself first, which is the opposite of what I used to do. My business is going well, because I am attracting the kinds of people that I can best serve. I'm not spending energy on activities that don’t keep me moving forward. My work is effortless and my income has increased! I am much more clear about what I want and how I am going to achieve it.

      Jennifer taught me to manifest my heart’s desires and how my Soul brings these things to me.

      Most importantly, my Soul was starving for my attention, and I never even knew it. Jennifer unlocked something powerful and eternal in me. I am forever grateful."


      - Lori Schmidt, Business Owner & Entrepreneur, Transformational Travel

      Award-winning Author. Mentor. Teacher. Master Healer.

      Meet Jennifer ALLY

      Hello, Dahhhling! It's awesome that you made it here, so we can get to know each other.

      Here's Me: I have a BBA in International Business and a MS in Psychology.

      I started my career working as an addictions counselor at the Mayo Clinic, and

      in 2009 I left to start my own business.

      My whole life I've had the gift of seeing women as their Highest Selves, and now I get to help them truly live that. I have been through myriad waves of turmoil and subsequent awakening throughout my own personal journey, so I am able to merge a deep wisdom of life with certain knowledge of spirituality and science.

      When I was 18 years old, I came across deeper spiritual concepts, such as the Akashic Records and Abraham-Hicks' Law of Attraction work (my first exposure was on a cassette tape!...shhh, don't tell.) After years of pursuing education, I have come full circle and am now teaching women to work with these principles and modalities. 

      'Why?', you ask... because I believe that human healing and evolution is hinged on the awakening process and women are leading that wave. It's essential for them to bring their Soul-selves into full expression and service in the world, at this time.

      It's never been more important and YOU are a key piece to the puzzle! I want you to be fully equipped with everything you need to live your Soul's biggest missions, feel joyful,

      be abundant and really rock the shit outta life!

      Are you ready?

      Let's Lead in Alignment

      It's time to do some serious spiritual business...

      • Raise your vibration and feel GOOD most of the time

        Your vibration is your number ONE tool to manifest the AWESOME life your Soul has lined up for you. It's one of the first things we cover, and you will immediately begin to shift the ways you approach your life, as you make your own feeling-good non-negotiable

      • Achieve more with less, based on your Soul's goals

        Your human brain is pretty smart. It's gotten you far in this life. And you've barely scratched the surface of what your Soul is able to achieve. Learn to really lead your every area of your life --family, business, relationships, teams, finances, health -- according to the greatest path your Soul has for you. You'll watch how things magically unfold, as you make mighty strides towards the massive positive impact you're here to make

      • Stop limiting yourself

        As women, we put so many conditions, rules and restrictions on ourselves. And most of that comes from junk brain programming. The concepts and practices in this program will help you release old patterns that are keeping you in vibrational resistance and inhibiting your flow

      • Understand the simple science of your Human-Soul connection

        You're an intelligent women, so you probably value a logical understanding of how things work... and that helps you take action. Lead in Alignment teaches you simple neuroscience specific to alignment, as well as the Anatomy of Intuition, so you can better "hear" and follow your inner guidance. This is how your Soul "speaks" to you, to help you manifest the life it came here to live!

      • Become part of a high-vibe collective of Soul-Aligned Women

        Experience the power of awakening within a collective of women who are high-achieving, Soul-centric and impact-makers, like you. This happen through monthly calls and on the Facebook group. When you enter into a space of positive, growth-focused women, you absorb that energy and bring it into your day, ultimately shaping your life. When you surround yourself with magical people, magic happens in your life!

      • Build a Daily Alignment Practice that will keep you in the flow

        We all know the things we "should" be doing everyday to take care of our Soul-selves. But being consistent is the key to increasing your vibrational set point and truly leading an aligned life. That's why you'll get bonus access to a private Facebook group with done-for-you practices EVERYDAY.  Each day, you'll receive a few simple prompts for activities that will raise your vibe and keep you tuned in to your Soul's frequency. Each practice is selected based on cosmic activity and the natural 13:20 frequency of "galactic time", so you're synchronized to the Universal energy of the day

      What's the Investment?

      What would you pay to have a one-stop-shop for manifesting everything your Heart and Soul desires, and the ability to live as your most Authentic Self... forever

      That's exactly what you're investing in here.

      When you join the Lead in Alignment Program, you'll receive:

      Lifetime Access to the Lead in Alignment Online Course [value $2,000] 

      Exclusive access to discounted 1:1 Akashic Records consulting & healing sessions with Jennifer [value $280+]

      A PDF copy of Jennifer's book The Drama-Free Way: Authentic Thriving in a Chaotic World [value $20]

      Connection with other Soul-centered, high-achieving women to up-level together [value priceless​]


      BONUS #1!Monthly Membership to the Daily Alignment Practice private Facebook group where you receive 

      Done-for-You, custom-crafted prompts everyday [value $200]

      BONUS #2! Monthly Group Zoom-fest Sessions for 90-minutes, LIVE with Jennifer ALLY [value $2,250]


      Total Value: $4,750+

      Don't worry! With this bundle, you'll only pay $1,997 


      Doors close July 31st, 2021. Save your spot and get started today!

      One-Time Payment

      Save $400 when you pay in advance

      Total Investment:


      Monthly Installments

      The pay-as-you-go option

      6 Monthly Payments of:

      Total Investment:



      Secure Order


      "Within the first 3 months of starting Lead in Alignment, my profits increased by almost $20,000.00. Jennifer has definitely taught me to allow. Life is unfolding and I am enjoying the ride instead of resisting. I am more trusting that everything will arrive at exactly the right time. From the instant I met Jennifer, I knew I had to work with her. She has brought so much clarity and insight to my growth, and I look forward to continuing to work with her in the future."

      - Dr. Puhfal, DC (age 50)


      "My number one goal has been to take back my health. I dug into all the Lead in Alignment topics, and I am down 21 pounds in less than 2 months! I feel great and I finally KNOW that it is possible to get down into a right-sized body and to kick diabetes forever. This process is also shifting things in other parts of my life too! A few weeks ago, I unexpectedly fell into (manifested!) $5,000.00 for a trip my family has been wanting to take. I am feeling blessed and grateful for all the amazing things that are happening and for the inspiration I get from working with Jennifer. Feeling unstoppable!"

      - Julie Rashid, Academic Professional (age 47)


      "To anyone considering working with Jennifer, let this be your sign to say ‘yes’! Her gentle, loving demeanor and the potency of what she provides is worth the investment, time and time again.”

      - Shawna Reckinger, RN (age 36)

      Hear how Dr. Angie brought years of dedicated inner work together to heal relationships, gain clarity and execute on her goals

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Here are the answers to a few of our most commonly asked questions...

      How do I know if it will work for me?

      When will the Live Group Sessions be held and where do we meet?

      What happens in the Live Sessions?

      What happens in the Daily Alignment Practice private Facebook group?

      How much time will the homework take?

      What if I feel nervous or hesitant to join?

      Who are the other women in this program?

      What are these Akashic Records sessions that I have access to?

      Is there a guarantee?

      Do you offer refunds?

      "I started working with Jennifer, because I saw a unique marriage of intellectual concepts and 'woo-woo' practices. I am generally impressed with education, and I saw all her certifications as a big bonus. Nothing she said was 'new', yet she expressed it in a very unexpected and visual way. (Love her white board diagrams!)

      When I started, I was disappointed in my newfound attempts to embrace the Law of Attraction. While I felt confident in my abilities as a businesswoman, there was a lack of outer evidence of those things, and I was losing steam.

      What I got out of working with Jennifer is a strong Daily Alignment Practice! The stuff that we all know we should do, I wouldn't have given as much time to if I hadn't heard it expressed in Jennifer’s unique way. As a consequence, I am suddenly struck on a daily basis with wonderful moments of gratitude for this amazing life and confidence to do the bigger asks in my business.

      Jennifer mentors women to ‘Higher Consciousness’ so we can connect to our Soul Goals, and align our head-heart-soul in order to navigate the flow, build the staying-power to finish the marathon, and believe forward."


      - Jennifer Espinosa-Goswami

      Entrepreneur, Coach and Speaker


      Copyright © Jennifer ALLY | Intrinsic SOULutions, LLC. 2021, All rights reserved.